Author Topic: Not Considering buying a Newer GPZ1100 But, Wondered About The 83' vs the 95'?  (Read 1648 times)

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Offline bill440cars

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   Anyone got any input on this? I saw this 95' Kawa GPZ1100 on Craig's List and wondered how my 83' would fair in a comparison between the two? Anyone care to come in on this? ???
Member # 1969
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Offline HawaiiMike

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I think the '83 looks like a mean high performance bike.  The '95 looks like a sport tourer.

Offline Gregorymoto

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I like the 95, it is a better all around bike and it performs way better than any thing Kawa put out in the 80's.
If i remember right the 95 was the first of the floor bike that could go to the 200mph mark with a little adjusting.
It was also the first sport tour bike. I have not owned one my self but my older brother had one tell it was stolen. It was a fun bike to ride. He did contract work in LA and would drive it from Chico to LA all the time. He never #$%*ed.
But he did say that with out bottom faring the bike was super danger. He broke the lower scoop and took it off while waiting for a replacement. He told me that at 120mph the front end would float without it.

As far as the GPZ in the 80's. They where good bikes, but in my opinion nothing that cool. i had an 85 750GPZ turbo, and i had a GP550, and it was not all that. It performed better than then most bikes at the time, well the VFR was a little better but not by much.

Hope this helps
Yep, i have issues with this sort of stuff.

Offline bill440cars

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I like the 95, it is a better all around bike and it performs way better than any thing Kawa put out in the 80's.
If i remember right the 95 was the first of the floor bike that could go to the 200mph mark with a little adjusting.
It was also the first sport tour bike. I have not owned one my self but my older brother had one tell it was stolen. It was a fun bike to ride. He did contract work in LA and would drive it from Chico to LA all the time. He never #$%*ed.
But he did say that with out bottom faring the bike was super danger. He broke the lower scoop and took it off while waiting for a replacement. He told me that at 120mph the front end would float without it.

As far as the GPZ in the 80's. They where good bikes, but in my opinion nothing that cool. i had an 85 750GPZ turbo, and i had a GP550, and it was not all that. It performed better than then most bikes at the time, well the VFR was a little better but not by much.

Hope this helps

        I DO appreciate your input on this matter. While I haven't had any dealing with the 550 and the 750 GPZs, I can say that the 83' that I have, is a pretty good runner, as is. It is supposed to be capable of around 150, so I've read and been told. Speedometer registers 160. The 95 might be faster, but I think the 83' will run alot faster than I want to see on it. And, from all I had previously read, the GPZ itself was classed as "Sport Touring" bikes. I'll probably just keep this one because (according to what I'd been previously told about the 83' GPZ) it has a healthy engine (crankshaft and rods) and runs great while retaining the original EFI system. Only thing that doesn't work right is the fuel gauge. ::) And, I think I can live with that.

        Let me say again, so that there is no mistake, I DO appreciate ANY and ALL input on this. I just got to wondering because I saw a 95' GPZ1100 that was priced at about $1650.00 and began to question myself about whether to keep the 83' or see about moving up to the 95'. I'm really not all that interested in having a bike with THAT much fairing though or I'd go get myself a CBR1100XX Super Black Bird. I've seen a few of those come up also. ::)

                                        Thanks again All, Bill ;)   
Member # 1969
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Offline Gregorymoto

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Yep, i have issues with this sort of stuff.

Offline Tnutz

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it's basically a ninja, tuned for more midrange performance.  nothing like the old timers.
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