Case in point...
The side cover grommets for my 350 scrambler... a local to me business is on feebay selling them for $34.95 PLUS $5.75 s/h!!! They are $7.50-10.25 each from Honda, depending on where you buy them.
The air filters... HondaPartsNation has them for $31.00 each, CyclePartsWarehouse has them for $42.52 each. A big time seller on feebay will sell it to you for a mere $59.99 each PLUS an outrageous $16.00 ship.
Greedy #$%*s.

No way am I gonna buy
anything from that seller.
ALWAYS check different online stores first. You never know from one part to the next who is going to save you some $$. My biggest savings sometimes is just waiting and ordering a bunch from one place and combining the shipping charges on all the items. Shipping can be a killer. I just put a few screens up, choose the same parts on them, see the shipping and end result of the total and then decide which one I go with that particular time. I usually always buy from HPN or CPW for oem parts because overall, they end up saving me $$$. Motorcyclecarbparts has saved me $$$ on aftermarket kits compared to anyone else though, by a land slide. Those CB650 carb kits are hard to find at all.
Off to solder some wiring and clean up more parts.