Billy I haven't been around much lately (for a variety of reasons) but when did you get the GTX? Don't tell me you have had it forever and I am just losing my mind?
Hey Dennis, hope everything is okay with you. You aren't losing your mind (and I haven't been holding out either

) No, actually I got this car off of ebay about a month ago (not much good with time anymore).
Let me set the basis concerning the car, before I get into how it came about. If you've heard this before, please bear with me. Back when I was running out of time on my Air Force enlistment, I bought a red 66' Dodge Charger withe the 383/4sp/posi. It was my DREAM car! It was sharp, in great shape and ran like a top! Then a bit later, I traded it off for a Petty blue 69' road runner with the wide black racing stripes on the hood. I was mad at myself after I traded and could not figure out why I did it. Well, I got out of the Air Force, went home to Little Rock and a month later I saw Brenda for the first time and she had a Gold w/a white painted top 69' road runner (my road runner was what caught her attention and caused her to notice me. Anyway, we got married that next Jan. After she passed away last July, I was wishing that I could get another 69' road runner, but every one I saw, was way too high priced for me to even consider and I didn't want a fixer upper ( at this stage of my life) Suddenly I saw this Gold 69' GTX (same car, only fancier) on ebay, It was the color that Brenda's road runner was painted, it had the wide black racing stripes like my 69' road runner, it had a 4sp like the Charger I traded for the road runner that would get Brenda's attention and I managed to snag this car off of ebay, not to mention that it was in Durant, Oklahoma (just a few hours away). So, I got it! This Baby will WALK & TALK!