Reently talking to another enthusiast not a member of this forum (don't think so anyway), and we got to talking about noisy cam chains and all the effects they have on engine performance.. here I was being fed I thought a bit of BS but that happens.. I'm pretty gullible when talking about these bikes, I'll listen to anything.. and read everything..
He mentioned that to cure the excess cam chain noise and the slack from a
cb750 was really simple (had me by the short and curlies right then),
I quote - not verbatim, but from my scribbled down notes
"Get engine warm from running",
turn it off
remove points cover
undo the lock nut on the cam chain tensioner and back it off a few turns,
then from the points cover - removed earlier - turn the big nut counter clockwise or in backwards rotation just a bit (suggestion was for a 1/4 turn)
this is the point where he believed that any chain slack would be picked up by the tensioner readjusting.
then just tighten the bolt and then the lock nut
job done?

he reckons no more noise..
I have not tried this as my bike is in the very primary stage of stripping/cleaning/fixing broken thingies, but I would ask the oracles lon this site if they could shed some light or information on this method, and or if this is indeed BS or could it work???
I dunno whats the learned opinions ??