well, it just went on the grill, i ended up with an 18 pound bird (largest that would fit the grill) i made herb butter last night and injected the bord with it this morning as well as studding the outside with fresh garlic and sage and rosemary. i did the butter by sauteeing fresh basil, marjoram, oregano, and sage in butter at a very low heat until the herbs just distinegrated. this herb butter is something i make up a bunch of then freeze it in single use portions. i also do one with chipotle peppers, anaheim chilis, garlic and coreander. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm good. meant to mention, i have a large flat stainless baking dish full of water and hickory chips over the burner thats on, no burner on under the bird, so i'll get a nice smoky flavour too.