Seeing as how your avatar is a CB650C I'll guess we are dealing with a 650.

I had the same problem with my old 79 650Z so I did exactly what you did, well sort of, I was doing it all from 35 years of memory but I do the Clymer if I need it.
Slacken the handle right back, slacken the lower adjustment right off, slacken the adjuster nut then turn the screw in until you feel it touch, back the screw off again, do this at least twice.
Now wind in till it touches then just back a "fraction" (that 3/4 has never worked for me) now tighten locking nut, take most of the slack out of the lower adjustment.
Go to the top cable and adjust the lever to your own tastes, I like mine quite stiff so I feel it activating, for my partners smaller hands I adjust it so the clutch does not take up till halfway in.
That might not be as per the book but that's how I have always done it Redshwa.

I am experiencing my own clutch problems of slippage at the moment but I have narrowed it dwon to the fact I am using modern 15/50 oil which is too slippery and thin for these old girls so I'm about to change to 10w 40.