as a teenager in highschool i lusted for one of those, or an Omni GLH. i was a junior in high school when your daytona was built Bill.
Jeff, by the time the 85' Shelby Charger was built, I had been married for 14yrs and Karla was 7yrs old.
Karla had been into the seizure problems for some time AND we had NO money to spend on a car (or a bike) that would be for pleasure and good times. No, everything WE had was what we had to have, with only a little extra (if we were lucky). Like YOU I lusted for the Shelby Charger, the Daytona and everything that was built for years.
Gotta go, the heat/AC repairman is on his way and I have to get ready so he can fix my broken Heater.
Take care and Keep on dreaming, Bill
(Dreams Can Become Reality)