Author Topic: New 4 into 2 mufflers?  (Read 779 times)

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Offline YogiBear

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New 4 into 2 mufflers?
« on: November 28, 2009, 09:09:33 PM »
I took the exhaust system off of my CB750 (4 into 2) and much to my surprise, the head pipes are separate from the mufflers. The mufflers I have now come straight out, and I would like a set that comes back and up a little bit. About as much as the stock 4into4 does. Anyways, I was wondering if anybody knows of a 2 into 1 muffler (both sides) that is available? I tried ebay, but didn't get any decent results. Below is a pic of basically the same thing as Ive got (different muffler design). Thanks.

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Re: New 4 into 2 mufflers?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2009, 08:33:23 AM »
I don't know of anything. You may have to pay somebody to bend a little upturn in the ones you have.
74 cb750k

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