Gents, not sure if this will be seen, but...the automatic (spring loaded) center punch is a neat tool.And i use it often. Asside from removing frozen float pins, By punching shift shafts and brake cams, it allows permanant referances for re-affixing arms to previous locations. also handy for #'ing multiple bits ie pistons/rods /bits.. also handy for removing deformed drain bolt sealing washers, AND (out of the dark) if you should ever have the mis-fortune of breaking off a tap/extractor .....This little gem exerts enough extreemly localized pressure to fracture carbide tool steel (sometimes) allowing removal. Oh yeah, sometimes chasing a broken stud/screw/bolt from outer circumference at proper angle aids removal. Unlike most other approches its light/concentrated force often facilitates loosening without damaging/deforming bits. luck, G