Jim, As most of us have found, broken bolts/studs are common, and depending on location can be real bears. Offer this. Your' 1st approch is often the most critical. With nothing to grab, you'll need to drill...It's important (and I can't over ephasize) that 1st drilling is EXACTLY centered.if neccesary file/grind whatever, old bolt/stud until it's possible to center punch a center before drilling. then,,, penetrating oil, next, actual drilling.start w/smallest reasonable drill possible (preferibly Left handed) sometimes this will work in itself, if not, attempt light heat (prophane til spit sizzles) and ez-outs. this needs be done before hole in offending bit is so large that ez-out simply swells bit and increases seizure. still no luck? drill progressivly larger hole until remaining bit can be prized/cracked/broken out piecemeal. even if this has damaged internal threads, it still provides a good basis for drilling/installing a helicoil or better yet timesert. Sometimes welding extensions to bit is possible, and heat/leverage allow removal. Ulta sonics is another option in some cases. Your' problem is pretty straight forward as these things go, hope there's something here that helps, luck G