I would do this in a heart beat, this guy was on a tv show in the UK, I hope someone can find some other vids,because he goes on his back and on his side and just about every which way....He is french i believe (obviously lol)
The tv show said he made the suit with all the wheels with an idea to make and sell them but so far there is only the one suit ; his. BOO HOO.
As an aside, there is nothing that you can do on ice skates that cannot be done on roller blades i.e spins, jumps etc, and this guy does do some amazing stuff I saw him going through a crowded town in the tv programme...lets see some more and someone make me a suit, we have a 1 in 3 gradient hill here where i live and its a good mile long....but, there is a "hump-backed " bridge three quarters of the way down.......and a hairpin at the bottem...but i would be well up for risking it being proficient on inline blades already..