I had the pleasure of meeting two very adventurous souls last night, Tormod and Klaus. They are two Norwegians traveling around the world on their 1930's Nimbus motorcycles. No really, AROUND THE WORLD ON THEIR 1930's MOTORCYCLES!!! I would have missed my chance to meet them, but the snow storm kept them in the area for a couple extra days. A few moto buddy's called me last night and I snuck out to meet up with them.
Tormod has a great dry since of humor, and Klaus is a rather jolly fellow (go figure). Tormod offered to trade something for one of my buddy's hats, but my buddy said he could just have it. Tormod then said in his Norwegian accent, "Are you sure? I could have Klause give you a blow job." At this point I had IPA spewing out of my nose. He then followed it up with, "Be careful though, I have heard that his whiskers will tickle your balls." This set the tone for the rest of the night. Drinking, telling stories, hearing about their adventures, and laughing till our stomachs hurt!
I asked Klaus what the most sketchy part of the trip has been so far, and he said Mongolia. He said there are not many roads there, and trails do not tend to accommodate a sidecar. I asked about gear, tools, etc... They have everything they could need except a welder, which says how prepared they are. He said Russia was a VERY friendly place and most of the locals called him Santa.
I was only able to stay out till around 12am because I had to be to work this morning by 9am, so I didn't get a chance to see their bikes. :-(
They are headed down to Chicago this morning. A couple of the ChiVinMoto guys rode up here to ride back down with them. If you know anyone on the list, try to get out and meet them. You wont be disappointed.
Here is a link to the website they update periodically.
http://kccd.no/home_en.htmlThis is my buddy Winer, Klaus in the middle, and I'm the fat guy on the left.

Here's Tormod and myself a bit intoxoicated.