Thanks Joe and David, BoTM? Naw.. Its not nearly that good. The powder coat was some thing I was going to try and do over the winter while I have the motor out since the gold I wanted on there was metal flake and the gold I have on there is not. However it will have to wait, its going to take what I have as a budget on motor up grades. But that's Phase 3 of the build. Between now and then is Phase 2, basically getting rid of what works and what does not and getting some upgrades like Stainless brake lines etc..
As for the logo on the tank, yea I clear coated over it so... I got the seat today. Its not the best quality but it will work nicely, however its about 2 inches longer then my seat, and my seat is about 2 inches too long for the frame, so I believe I have a K seat and not an F seat since I know I have an F frame and tank.. Sigh.. I am iching to get out and ride it so for now I will just deal with it the best I can and worry about getting the correct seat and trimming the seat cover back during Phase 2..
.: Scott :.