They won't be that way if Harley follows through with their threat to leave milwaukee, but we'll see.
I know what you mean, though, Cap'n.
Last I heard that is still an option they are thinking about. With sales down dramatically they need to do some thing. I have nothing against HD's other then they are so over priced and there are so many around here that you get tired of hearing them. Its as if every HD owner removes the baffles from the exhaust the moment they get it.
Any way thanks Captin.. I hope so also, I had no idea you live so close.. I am hoping to see Spikeys bike in person as well as yours.. However I seemed to have hurt my back again so for now it will have to sit in the garage until my back settles down. Really that is ok because I found some issues I need to address.
1) Sticky carb, the last left carb slider seems to get stuck.. I may have to take the carbs apart to fix it.
2) My forks seem squishy, I was thinking about it and I got these forks while the bike was apart, and I can't remember if I removed the old oil in them or if I even looked at it.
3) I may have a charging issue
4) I have some paint to toch up, as I got some brake fluid on them some how and the paint is peeling off.
5) The seat and rear fender.
.: Scott :.