Hi, I'm nineteen and disappointed with college. But unlike college, where work is done to be finished, not to be done well, motorcycles demand attention and care at every level. So I'm turning to my 1975 CB750 to save my sanity and serenity.
The bike is rife with issues, most of which I can't diagnose. Most importantly, something seized in the engine. I don't know what or where, but the motorcycle died going up a hill and now the electrics don't work and the kickstarter won't turn over. It's dirty, there's some rust, the chain may be worn out, the seat needs fixing, the carbs need cleaning, the fork fluid needs adjusting. The front brake is sticking (I've rebuilt the caliper twice, but not as thoroughly as I should have) and I'm looking for drilled rotors to replace a possibly warped disc (where could I find that?). And so I want to rebuild it, though I'm having trouble finding a place to start. Maybe just clean it and then start taking it apart (though because of schedules and locations, I can only work on it about every third weekend, so progress is imperceptible).
This forum has already cost me a couple dozen hours of school work, but I think it's worth it. What I'd really like to do is to go to a motorcycle shop and say that I know essentially nothing, but that I'll work for free and do anything they tell me (sweep, organize, whatever), and see if I can just hang around. Because it's one thing to read and and muddle through, and another to see it done right.