I can be traced to Zeno. (he's from space)
I'd buy that!!! 
Yeah I don't get racism, on anyone's part. We all came from the same small group of people. Not to say I don't like some groups of people. Not because of the color of their skin, but just because not one of them has given me anything to like about them!!! Damn that sounds racist...
Hey, Terry, I want to see a koala in your mouth!!! Or a dingo!!!
Ha ha, well I personally believe that rascism is natural, and it's unnatural for people to be "politically correct".
The problem that I have is that I can dislike one ethnic group or another until I meet one representative from that group that I like, and all of a sudden I have to cross that ethnic group off my "hate list". From the age of 17, I worked with soldiers who'd recently returned from Vietnam, and they hated ALL Vietnamese, told me that you couldn't trust the little buggers, even those supposedly on "our" side.
So I hated Vietnamese folk too. Then in 2001 I worked with a Vietnamese guy (ex-Viet Cong actually) and he was a really nice bloke, with a wicked sense of humor. In 2005 I started receiving physiotherapy for my back injury (parachuting sucks) and lo and behold, my physio is a beautiful 25 year old Vietnamese princess who couldn't be more lovely. Fcuk, all right, cross "Vietnamese" off my list.
I could go on, but I'm late for my weekly Klaven meeting, I'm the grand wizard of the Mill Park Klaven of the imperial Knights of the KKK, we're only a very small group, but we pretty much hate everyone (except the afore mentioned Vietnamese folk, they're cool) and tonight we're gonna burn a cross outside the Estonian Australian Friendly Society, man I hate those damn Estonians! I'll try to get a pic of me with an Estonian in mah malf!