If you are going to deal mainly with jap bikes, why not naming the business with something related? Something like "RB cycles", "RS Cycles" or "JNC Cycles" (Where RB, RS and JNC means Rice Burner, Rising Sun and Jap-Not-Crap respectively) Run away from "Cafe", "Chop" and "Custom", they are gonna get abused well too often and you will just be one more on the crowd. Or something related to the "Dawn of the Dead", in which dead bikes return to life. You don't have to just sell parts; you are selling people the determination to get up from the couch and put that #$%*ty bike in the shed back to life. You have to sell tools, parts manuals, aprons, copper grease, Vegemite, Easy Cheese, beer, whatever they need. That way they can save on shipping and don't have to give their credit card number to a zillion companies. Get profit from your family name, as "Neubauer" means "New Builder" in german. Create a neat webpage, update it every two weeks so people can always find something new. Don't use flashy presentations, just black-over-white so people like me can browse through it from the office. If you can't afford SecureServer take the credit card numbers by phone so people know that their transactions will be secure, or simply Paypal. Don't do like those lazy sellers off eBay. Clean the parts before and picture them in a neat environment so it looks much better so you can ask for a higher price.
Too much for free advice. If you need more I'll give you my Paypal account name... ;-)