Inside the mount bolt is a pressure relief valve and spring (in case the filter clogs, the oil can bypass the filter instead of staving the engine of oil).
Outside the mount bolt is a spring and washer. The spring holds the filter against the engine block so that oil can get pushed through the filter. The washer protects the rubber seal on the filter cartridge.
If there was no outer spring and washer in your assembly, the filter was just along for the ride and not doing any filtering. Unfiltered oil was being circulated in the running engine.
This may or may not damage anything inside. It all depends on what impurities have been in the oil. If there aren't any bits in the oil that can scratch things, no harm.
In the old days, engines ran a long time with no oil filter, but rather frequent oil changes. But, most agree that is it better to have a filter if you wish extended oil change intervals.