This year was particularly crazy, not only for me personally, but for the world in general...
The hardest part of this year was loosing a friend of mine in my unit at work. He was 44, mildly developmentally disabled, took care of his mom (who has diabetes and is a recent amputee), and lived nearby in an apartment. He went to the local clinic and was turned away when they told him he probably had the flu. He was taken by ambulance to my hospital where he was on life support and continuous dialysis in critical condition for a week in my unit. Turns out he had a ruptured appendix and suffered complete system failure. Heart breaking, especially seeing his battered body moments after he passed.
There are countless moments of joy in my life, regardless of all of the incredibly hard stuff. I think that it is all about how you perceive the world... no one else or any thing outside of you has the power to influence your life in the way that you do. The world is still a beautiful place, even if it is incredibly difficult place to be at times.
Happy New Year, everyone. I hope that this next year is better for us all.