Author Topic: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build  (Read 236003 times)

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Offline Zaipai

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #250 on: February 21, 2010, 08:48:20 PM »
Traveler, I've been lurking on your build, but it's time to tell you, that tank/cowl combo is SICK!!  I can't wait to see it all together.  I like the Raasks, but kick on these isn't like you're used to based on your Harley background.  I just sold an '81 shovel last month that was a booger to kick - dang near launched me over the handlebars a couple times!  >:(  But, my 550 kicks through so easily, I'd hate to lose it.  Is there a mod you can make to your kicker that'll miss the rearset, or is it just not possible?  I think cornandp modified his kicker to clear his custom-made rearsets - you might look him up unless you really won't miss it.  Stay warm!
I quite agree, there could be times you need a kick start.. suppose your battery dies while out on the road, and with all that torque it won't be easy to push start with out a hill around..

Just a thought..

.: Scott :.
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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #251 on: February 21, 2010, 08:57:59 PM »
I really don't care for kickstart....I 'd rather just push it and jump start if necessary.

That said, I'll think it over, and see what would be necessary to retain it....if I do, I can guarantee you the kicker leg will have to be altered.

I just wanted to make sure that others knew about this before they ordered the RAASK's.

Kick starting to look cool dosen't matter to me....I think electric start is fast and easy.

Appreciate the kind words, I really do.  So many visit the thread, but few really say anything....makes you wonder if I should still go to the trouble of doing all the updates.  Only reason is to catalog any tips or tricks to help the next guy trying to make a 550 that will actually get out of it's own way!

It was mentioned that I was intentionally being humble to gain support for a BOTM election.  I can tell you that the kind words I have received is more than enough for me.  I just want to be a "member of the group" praise is necessary.  If it happens then that would be a GREAT honor...if not, then that is fine...I will help anyone I can with their project....for's all about "keeping your knees in the breeze".

I mean that seriously.


« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 09:06:27 PM by traveler »

Offline Zaipai

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #252 on: February 21, 2010, 09:22:31 PM »
Well as long as you know what your in for. I love the starter also, however they are not the most reliable starters and tend to fail for all sorts of reasons. Having a kick starter on these bikes is not for looking cool to start it or any other reason its nessessity. That said, sounds like you intend to start it ride it and not shut if off until you are done for the day. So it should be no big deal.

As for all the lurkers... many of us just can't think of much to add. As I said before you seem to have all the bases covered. I would keep posting, just because some one does not post a comment does not mean your post was not of some value to them..

Just some thoughts before I turn in tonight. Thanks for the kind words on my build. It should go faster soon, a local guy here has a shop where he builds race bikes, mostly Triumph motors and custom frames, however he has a lot of contacts and goodies in his shop so searching for parts just got easier.. and he is a really nice guy!

.: Scott :.
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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #253 on: February 21, 2010, 09:52:45 PM »
Not worried about kickstart....if 650's can make without a kicker, I can too!

This is a TOY, not a daily rider.



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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #254 on: February 21, 2010, 10:04:52 PM »
Definitely dont stop posting. Your build, DKB's, Staggerlee's, Shenanigan's, Laminar's, Zaipai's and SohRon's build are giving me major inspiration to get my 550 done.

Honestly I think you're doing everything you need to do. These bikes aren't really about what other people think. You should build it the way you want it and no way else.

Offline syth82

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #255 on: February 21, 2010, 10:23:00 PM »

Don't stop posting! I check in here almost every day. It's a great build, keep us up!  ;D
Maybe it'll inspire me to start making real progress on mine (and maybe even starting a build thread of my own)  ;)

By trying to make yourself sound intelligent you appear to be #$%*in stupid......

Offline glimpsedogg

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #256 on: February 21, 2010, 11:36:45 PM »
I really hope you don't stop posting! I've been following this build, it's a great inspiration.  You're doing great work and I love the way its turning out.  Did you order your taillight/ license plate mount as a single piece or did you put the light onto the mount?


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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #257 on: February 22, 2010, 04:27:50 AM »
The tailight came as part of the mount.  The part number is a page or so back....kind of expensive. :-\


Ryan 550k

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #258 on: February 22, 2010, 09:58:04 AM »
Don't stop posting Joe.  I'd like to see this build with ya through to the end.


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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #259 on: February 22, 2010, 11:00:06 AM »
ok, will do.


Offline strynboen

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #260 on: February 22, 2010, 11:24:28 AM »
thanks for great vork,,now hvat a job  it is to keep have inspiret me to bying a 400 four..insted to cafe my 550...its actuly have many of yours ideas,,olready from factory,,,but the 550 engine vith this polish alu endcaps are the most beatuful of all hondaes,,engines at all times...
the 400 four only have 37 hk..have to test it this summer...think i can live vith it...or take the 550,,vith almost dobbel power
i kan not speak english/but trying!!
i hate all this v-w.... vords

Offline Kemp

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #261 on: February 22, 2010, 12:44:46 PM »
I'm another lurker but really appreciate your build, it's continued inspiration to get moving on my 550's. I personally like the idea of kickstart available as it goes with the period and is part of the romantic vision of these bikes. You probably don't need it as you say but it could come in handy. To get the kickstart to function you might look at the kick lever from the F model as it's designed to clear rear set pegs when folded. The other thing is to get a folding peg on that side, one that will fold up and stay up as you kick.


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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #262 on: February 23, 2010, 04:34:29 AM »
So, a "F" kicker might work?  I'll have to look into that!

I got the wheel bearings on my front wheel swapped out....the original bearings were in I have the fully sealed "All Balls" bearings.  The rotor is sanded up and ready for, I'll take some steel wool to the wheel and restore it, and install the drilled rotor after paint.  some of the spokes are rusty...and might have to be sanded....rust won't be a concern afterward, as I clean with the Nevr-Dull wadding polish, which has an oil base.

I also started sanding out the fork sliders, and the brake caliper setup and getting it ready for shortly the front end will be done, and I can move to the rear.

Pics to follow as I get to some actual progress that can be seen. :-\

« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 04:38:59 AM by traveler »

Ryan 550k

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #263 on: February 23, 2010, 08:45:06 AM »
Wow, I'd really like to redo my front end as well.....or at least drill the rotor.  I bet it'll look awesome, I look forward to seeing it.  The past two days I've left my mouth shut concerning this kick start business.  I say do what ya want.  BUT, your engine better start up no prob's consistently.  When I learned these old bikes I was taught to primarily use the kick start cause if the electric is used often enough the battery dies.  Sure enough about at some point I started using the electric start pretty consistently and within two or three weeks my battery was dead.  Now that I'm writing this I seem to think it was after that that I found out my regulator and rectifier were f'd and the bike was having a hard time holding a charge........oh well, anyway I'm actually curious to hear how consistently it works without the kick start.  Oh, and if you haven't replaced the rectifier and regulator you may want to.


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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #264 on: February 23, 2010, 09:01:17 AM »
Thanks all for chiming in concerning the kicker, etc.

As I think about it....I will plan on retaining the kicker, with the knowledge that I will have to mod it to work.....but it's definitely at the end of the "to do list".

As far as the rectifier, etc....whether I am just being dumb or stubborn....I'll wait until the ones I have die, then replace.

Gotta go pick up the tank and seat from the post office today as well...will post pics once it is home.

Also bought an extra rear drum side plate on eBay this morning.  I will drill it to give it the ventilated look, clean it up and install with the new "All Balls" fully sealed bearings and seals I have for it.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 09:04:00 AM by traveler »


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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #265 on: February 23, 2010, 04:40:02 PM »
My tank and seat arrived.


It is artwork.  It is not perfectly has bumps and warps that are visible enough to let you know that it was hand formed and beat into is polished, not chromed, and you can see that it is a polished surface.  On the seat, the upholstery is on an aluminum frame that attaches to the bum stop via velcro.

Both the tank and seat are featherlight....unbelieveable how light is really is.  The tank is EASILY 1/2 the weight of a stock steel tank.

Tank holds 3 gallons.  Upholstery is black vinyl with a matte finish.  Tank has a very thin layer of protectant for the usage of pump gas...hope it is enough...time will tell.  You see through it...has a transparent gray look

Arrived well wrapped, and is in perfect condition.

Overall, I am a happy and satisfied customer! ;)

« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 04:41:56 PM by traveler »

Ryan 550k

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #266 on: February 23, 2010, 04:42:20 PM »
 :o :o :o

Offline theofam

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #267 on: February 23, 2010, 04:52:39 PM »
The seat and tank look awesome!  Even cooler that you have the bumps and warbles to show it's handmade.

I overstepped my bounds by suggesting you keep the kick.  The others are right, build it the way you want it.  And, please keep the posts going.  As a fellow 550er, it's very helpful to see what you're doing.  You and others have provided me tons of ideas I wouldn't have thought of without the build posts.  So, while many of us are lurking and not commenting, you are definitely providing ideas and inspiration!  Zaipai nailed my situation when he said some folks don't know what to add.  I'm a noob, so other than an occasional "HOLY CRAP! That's cool!" I don't feel like I can provide any guidance/experience at this point.

Thanks for putting in the time to keep us updated!

Offline bwaller

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #268 on: February 23, 2010, 06:12:27 PM »
Bling!  ;D Good choice on that tank/seat combination.


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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #269 on: February 23, 2010, 07:53:09 PM »
Irregardless of what folks have to say, BELEIVE ME, I want to hear it!  It is inspiration and motivation to keep on going!

BTW, my fingers are SORE! :(  I just spent 2.5 hours cleaning up my front wheel.  As I mentioned earlier, the new bearings are in, and I cleaned the entire wheel with steel wool, and then wiped it down with a clean cloth.  Hera are a couple pics of the finished result:

Now on to the rotor and mounting hardware.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 07:54:55 PM by traveler »

Offline Zaipai

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #270 on: February 23, 2010, 08:46:37 PM »
Wow, that tank and seat are awesome.. That front wheel sure shined up great! Your build is putting mine to shame.. ;-) However I will keep plugging along after all I really just wanted to clean mine up a bit is all.. Sure hope my front wheel comes as clean as yours.. Can't wait to see it all together man that will be one slick racer, and if you drop in a new Cam next winter holy smokes!!!!

.: Scott :.
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Offline Staggerlee

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #271 on: February 23, 2010, 09:43:37 PM »

Do want!

Offline glimpsedogg

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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #272 on: February 23, 2010, 10:01:08 PM »
The seat and tank look awesome, I think you made a good investment  ;)


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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #273 on: February 23, 2010, 10:14:05 PM »
The tank and seat are pure sex! I love it man. Your bike is gonna be sick when its finished.


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Re: 1977 CB550 K cafe racer build
« Reply #274 on: February 24, 2010, 04:41:26 AM »
well, I hope it looks the part.
