About half way done with my electrics. Took the factory electric board, and trimmed off one side, and cleaned up the wiring. I removed the blinker/flasher module, and took out some excess length in the wiring. When I got done, I realized, that I needed a mounting boss to match one side. Easy solution? Weld on a washer, and then grind the edges down to match.
You can see in the pics, I have drawn a crude line to follow with the die grinder, and then eyeball match it to the other side. From the back they are father away from each other, so I will make a spacer, and then mount the board to a piece of flat stock with a 90 degree bend. Then the whole unit will bolt on top of the rear seat span and hang down over with enough clearance above the tire.
(Darn auto hobby shop was closed today, so next week, I can finish her up and move on to other items, like the gauges and top tree!;)
Bracket has some rust in it, so need to sandblast it, then shoot it with the gloss black engine paint with ceramic additive from Duplicolor again (poor boy's powdercoat).
This will all be hidden under the seat bum stop.
Then, I have to make room, and allow for a super small "A123" battery!
This bike will be VERY minimal and LIGHT!