Washington State Highway 410 has a lot of memories for me. I can remember going up to the summit of Chinook Pass on the 4th of July with the family when I was a little kid and playing in the snow. We went there often and I never got tired of the place. Later when I could ride motorcycles on the street, I'd ride up there a few times a summer or take a jeep. Lots of hiking and rock climbing, too.
I was up there last month on the tail end of a 3000 mile ride and the morning was so amazing I thought I'd do an entry on the road in this thread, even though it isn't particularly obscure. Any of our PNW members will be well familiar with it.
I remember the trees met over the top of this stretch of road when I was a kid. Then it was clear-cut. Now the trees are back just like Weyerhaeuser said they would be. Took about 40 or 50 years is all.

Once you leave Enumclaw, the road quickly gets scenic, following the White River along much of the way.

The road enters Mount Rainier National Park just past the turnoff to Crystal Mountain Ski Resort. The greedy bastards at the park service have floated the idea a few times to set up their admission booths at this point, but so far they haven't prevailed. Let's hope they never do.

Before long, the road begins to climb, offering views of Mount Rainier, considered to be one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. The problem is all the water contained in its snow pack and glaciers. Google 'lahar' if you've never heard the term. Sure is gorgeous though, rather like Angelina Jolie in her prime, beautiful to look at but liable to chew your nads off if she felt like it.

Highway 410 heads up toward Chinook Pass at the split with Hwy 123 which heads through Cayuse Pass. 410 starts to climb rapidly and has some nice hairpin curves. Here are a few scenery pix with my old GS parked in the way. This was one of the most haze free days I've seen in a while. The sky was so blue it almost hurt the eyes.

The east side of the pass is much different than the west side -

While I was standing on the narrow shoulders taking pictures and trying not to get run over, a small herd of Jags drove by. I rode up to where they parked and took photos of the interesting ones and talked to the owners. The E-Type was very pretty, but smelled like hot oil.

I remember when this thing was being built, back in the early 70's if I remember right. Abandoned now and falling apart, but I always thought it was interesting. Still is.

Highway 410 over Chinook Pass from orbit -

I consider this video to be less boring than my others
