We took off on a little ride the second week of June down to Colorado at the furthest going by way of Nevada and Utah, then through Wyoming back home. We hit a lot of familiar roads, but some new-one-to-me here and there. Saw a lot of nice country, had nice weather, tailwinds most of the time (weird, that never happens), so here are a few photos.
Currie, Nevada. I've ridden by this largely abandoned pit stop on US93 who knows how many times, but somehow never stopped. Did this time, though.

We tented it in Ely KOA, one of the few decent KOAs left, then headed toward Great Basin National Park, maybe still my favorite national park. One reason for my preference is there is no entrance fee, (you do have to pay to tour the Lehman Caves), and because of its remoteness, uncrowded. Still no fee, but it has been discovered. It was busier than I have ever seen it by far, maybe because the word has gotten out and it seems like nobody goes to work anymore. But still a great place to visit and the Wheeler Peak road is spectacular. Takes you up over 10,000 ft and looking off the side of the road is like looking out of an airplane, like Logan Pass in that respect.

From there we worked our way across Utah, taking Utah 31. I will feature this road with its own post on this thread when I get around to it. We found a nice campsite up the road from Huntington.

The next day we worked our way to Green River, UT on some other roads that deserve their own posts on this thread, and took a short hop on I-70 to get to US191 and Moab. Moab is nothing like it was the first time I went through there 30 years ago when I moved from Alaska. Gets more zoo-like every year and makes me sad. Well, boohoo for me, but getting down to UT46 made up for it.

We spent the night in the hills above Paradox CO, in a very nice campsite. Free, and you can't beat that.

Paradox CO -

We always take a break at the Naturita store, sitting on the same bench for 25+ years. The bench is on the north side, always in the shade.

The following photos are along CO 141. I've never featured it on this thread because it is well known how great it is, but here goes anyway.
This cabin is a ways off the road, and easy to miss if you are paying attention to the road like you should be.

When you are on the road, check out the remnants of the hanging flume, an engineering marvel (not being facetious).