I'm not overly worried about that stuff. I bought a right control off ebay and the centerstand is next on the list. The guy I bought it off of said it "would run." So I figured I'd get the tank off. Yes... it took me about 15 minutes to figure out how to get the seat up. Getting the tank off was kind of weird, there is a hose going across the bottom of the tank to (assumedly) level the fuel on each side of the tank. Great idea but I assume it would make draining the tank a challenge.
I checked out the electrics. No battery either but it connected it to my van with jumper cables. All electrics were a go, headlight, tail light/brake light, turn signals, and even the horn. I hastily moved to a compression check. The switch actually still functions as far as the headlight goes and I can ground the starter button wire on the handlebars. Compression? Disappointing: 75 psi and 0psi
After I thought about it, I didnt pay attention the the throttle slides. They need to be wide open for a compression test.
Now's where it gets interesting. I figured I'd remove the carbs altogether since I'm certain they need cleaned. I (thought) I remembered from my CB125 that when you unscrewed the top of the throttle slide, the slides would pop right out. Well, no such popping here. I started to wonder exactly how they came out when I realized they were completely stuck. I got the carbs off anyway and went ahead with the compression check: 150
and 25
. I went on getting the slides out. One of them was really gummed up and I had to use a flat tip screwdriver to force it out. Used plently of WD 40.