From the article:
"Harleys hurt people," said group member George Atwood of Milton. "The noise stresses people. The noise ruins the quality of life in our neighborhoods and nation. It frightens and intimidates people. It leads to hearing loss, higher medical costs, lost productivity and loss of peace of mind."
The most frightening thing of all is that these people actually have a leg to stand on and support from others. It just goes to show that if we don't police ourselves, it will be up to others. Not to mention that this is a completely ignorant person being quoted -Harley Davidson Motorcycles are NOT loud when they come off the showroom floor. It is the owners who make them loud in order to irritate other people - or show off - or compensate for something - either way, this action
gives these loonies the fuel they need for their battles.
I would much rather hear the worlds loudest harley ride past my house than listen to all these riced out automatic cavaliers and dodge neons in my town. They put a horrible sounding muffler, and it just advertises the slipping automatic transmission. Sounds FAST!
At least harleys sound good.
I would disagree about the Harley, but to each his own. While hanging out in a parking lot at a Motorcycle rally event, two bikes took off. One was a Wanna biker on a ratted out, beat to hell peice of trash with two wheel. Sounded like absolute hell. Just after he took off, someone on a Honda Superhawk took off with nice glass pack. Sounded great! I turned to one of the guys directing traffic and commented on how nice it sounded. His response, "Noise is noise."
What sounds good to one is not to going to sound good to everyone. And the attitude of "They're just stupid," or, "They just don't get it," will hold no value in court.
Join the AMA and help fight to keep our right to ride (Or put a muffler on your bike to help reduce the need for it).
Okay, I'm off my soap box, now.