Bundaberg rum? I thought that was cat piss?
Got the kick of a babies bottle, try some real booze.............. 
Look Hushy, we all know that "Un Zud" is a third world toilet of a place, kind of like what Mexico is to America, and if it wasn't for the fact that you ugly fat unfit Kiwi's (and I'm just talking about your "women".......) can't swim the 1300-odd miles across the Tasman we'd have them on every street corner selling oranges and trying to clean our windscreens, while trying to seduce our livestock.
Now while I don't mind you "middle earth verandah monkeys" trying to talk up that putrid stinking pit of a place, I won't stand for your disrespect of our national drink.
Generations of sun-bronzed Aussie diggers have happily marched to their grizzly deaths in several world wars, just to defend our right to Drink OP Rum and eat Vegemite sandwiches, and I, for one, will not allow you to sully their bravery with your snide remarks, born from your obvious jealousy of our first world lifestyle.
If you continue to make such disparaging remarks about the wonderful Aussie lifestyle, I will have no choice, but to report you to the moderators. They won't stand for this sort of behavior and you can expect to be severely disciplined, if allowed to remain a member at all. They'll also make sure you don't sneak back under an assumed ID like "C0ck sucking Kiwi sheep rapist" or such. You have been warned................