I will have to make a new fixture to do 62mm pistons.
'Tis possible, but it will probably be the last set of pistons to be mod'ed.
However, YES they do seem to be very good high compression pistons for the cb650.
Not bad for not having to sleeve it out.
670 something cc's. about 50cc bigger than stock.
Sorry no pics, soon(too much OT... yes, too MUCH.)
But I have started on Pinheads pistons, set the deck height, and evened the dome heights out.
NOt off by much, but why not, the entire piston dome will get touched in one way or another before I am done.
I will be able to clay pinheads friday, or on the weekend, tomorrow is shot for anything.
Just remembered though......
I have exactly 1 cb650 cam.
and it's in my 650.
'eh what the hell, I'll put that cb550 one in it for now.
been meaning to have that 550 cam hard welded, but am awaiting funds to accumulate first....
Anyways, definitely this weekend I'll swap them.
(I have 2 550 cams anyway)
I also cut my cb750 auto pistons.
I like them, a very nice perfect height(within 0.010) of stock cb650 pistons.
The dome I end up with will be nice.

But the BIGGIE surprise was the 65mm cb750 overbore pistons I modified as well(or started at least) today!!!
I will have to take off about 0.040 off the faces of the valve pockets is all!
Ok, besides a minor deck height adjustment.
I am documenting the measurements, and on request will give out measurements to fellow machinists.
However, you are on your own for the fixturing.
A mans gotta keep some things private.
All I will say is it is nice and easy, but I need one for each different diameter of piston.
Got :
Still got to finish the 66mm and the 62mm ones.
Come to think of that.. I think I need to get some material for the 62mm ones.
In the end I want a 63 and 64mm one as well.
Would anyone be interested in a set of cb750 pistons modified for a cb550 application?
gotta go,