i went through my collection of breaker plates today,,ive got a few good condition tec ones ,,and a set of non branded ones,which look to have a thinner pressed metal section,(i disected and reassembled a couple),these no names also dont have any washers on the upper or lower part of the action and the contacts look to have a lot less meat,they dont look to be filed or damaged,i wonder if peoples points woes are down to cheap points,,ill bet the contact surface isnt as hard either!im keen to try a honda man on the 550 im slowly getting together,even though i like my boyer,sure on a 35 year old points system like these the advancer wear has to be looked at as well as the rubbing surface which can be polished,ide sooner try and toy with points on the road side than say ,oh well,no spark,thats that,how ever electronics these days are good,mostly.,,as soon as a bad name get around,(lord of darkness)we all steer clear .