Yeah, there were 3 of us that started work for the Civil Service At Fort Chaffee (for the Army Reserves) on the 26th of December, 1972. I haven't seen either one of them since I retired in Dec, 1995 and one of the passed away last Friday. We weren't really what you'd call friends. I tried to be, but he was one of those who had a tendacy to want to Hob nob with the wheels, you know? If it was just you and him, it was fine, but give him a chance to be with someone with anykind of power or what ever, he'd jump at the chance to go with them and rub shoulders. Yeah, he thought his stuff didn't stink. Me, I just tried to get along and do my job. Must have done something right because I moved from a mechanic, to a Direct Support Mechanic, to an Equipment Inspector (did pre maintenance inspections, ordered parts and did final inspections after the mechanic was supposed to have fixed the equipment) and started to get all kinds of additional responsibilities (one of 4 who road tested folks and issued operators permits, 5th in line of overall supervision (if the 1st four were out of the shop at one time, I was in charge and it did happen a few times

), 2nd in charge of the Arms room & made trips with the Armorer to make weapons inspections at different Army Reserves Units In Arkansas. Yeah, he came up the ladder too. But, you know, even though he and I were at odds now and then (usually unnecessarily so), I will go to his funeral and pay my respects. Kind of gets me though. None of these folks, who will turn out for this funeral, managed to even show up for Visitation, when Brenda died. I'm gonna be trying hard NOT to say anything in reference to that though.
It would have been a nice gesture, had at least SOME of them had made an appearance. But, I will go and do the right thing, because that is what I was taught to do. Guess I need to get over this rant, cause that is what it really is.

I gotta quit rambling on and go to bed, Take care, Bill