The 12 step programme;
Admitting that you are powerless over your "problem" ; yeh right, I may not have seen as many breasts today as I would have wished for when I first woke up, but I did "collect" some more bike bits, only "real" or "perceived " problem there was lack of breasts and lack of cash stopping me getting more parts.
Believing that a "power greater than oneself can restore you to sanity" again, yeh right, It was that "power" that made me what I am, and I like loving breasts and collecting bike bits ; thanks God , and incidently, great job with breast making.
Made a decision to turn our lives and will over to god as we understand him; again yeh right, god made breasts and he made me and he wanted me to love breasts and I do. (thanks again god) God made man, man made bike parts I love bike parts, thanks to the man.
Step four; made a moral inventory of ourselves; Hmmm, ok, got bike bits, got some more bike bits, got some pictures of breasts, got some food, got some money, got tools, got more piccies of breasts off internet, got some videos offa internet of breasts....not very moral,but damn good inventory.
step five;admitted to god or another human being the exact nature of our wrongs....kept piccies of breasts to myself, was wrong , sorry.
I would share them but they are a tad stuck and hard to separate the pages without tearing.
Other wrong, in 1982 I told a girl she was pretty to get sexual gratification offa her, I lied she was pig ugly . It was a "wrong" as she did not pay me enough.
Other "wrong" I did obtain incorrect part for cb750k2 once and had to get refund.
step six; we are entirely ready to have god remove all these "defects of character" what? no. F*** right off.
Step seven ; humbly ask him to remove all of our shortcummings. Ok, can do, " dear god, please will you make me cum a lot further in future please?" amen and thanks.
step eight; make a list of all persons harmed and make amends to them, easy; pig girl I am sorry for saying you were pretty.
step nine make direct amends except when it would injure them.....#$%* sorry again pig girl but you are actually ugly, If I let you believe you are pretty, you may injure yourself indirectly as a consequence of my lies..
step nine; continue to take inventory ( I am not making this up it actually says this) ok I promise to count and covert my bike pics regularly and count up my breast parts. and when we are wrong promptly admitted it. Damn I got the last bit the wrong way round.