in Oz you need to keep records for SEVEN years, and the TAX man can come looking for you for those seven years even if they are all prepared by an accountant, and have you audited..irrespective if you owe them or not..
I just found out that a previous accountant (no longer in business and I cannort find him) had not submitted my tax returns for two years (5-6 years ago) . I also paid this prick (can I use that word) a few grand for the privilege. I only found this out when the Tax man did a random check on businesses and their registration details recently (just a walk by thing)..
It's going to cost me another few large for my new Accountant (just completed returns) luckily not being fined. but the trauma of recovering data from an old pc on old software, then trying to gather all the paper trails is BS...
good luck