I haven't been posting for a while now and just wanted to stop in and say "Hello". I hope that everyone has a very healthy and prosperous new year. The new pro-street prototype is nearly completed and has been track tested. All that I'll say at this point is "It's going to be a VERY quick year for me". One of my race wrenches hooked up with a girl at a local new years eve party lastnight and insisted on calling me after he made a clean get away. He told me that she looked like a real model after about 8 beers but things are not always as they appear when the alcohol wears off. They left the party in her car to retrieve to a motel room and when she started undressing he noticed a very unpleasant odor about her. Being as drunk as he was he decided to do his best to just deal with it. Things progressed and she stood in front of him and removed her clothing when he finally made the decision to bail. He went into the restroom of the motel room and turned on the shower to cover his voice as he called me. He said that this girl kept pulling down her pants and he kept pulling them back up stating to me that it looked like an old catchers mitt or 2 calf livers slapped together. Something he mumbled about cooked cabbage. As he exited the bathroom window he also told me that she had so many gaps in her teeth that when she smiled it looked like her tongue was in jail. Anyhow, being that they drove her car to the motel I picked him up at the local Huddle House before she even noticed that he was gone. He got into my truck and began laughing non-stop. I asked him if he was nervous about her finding him later to which his reply was simply "Nope, I told her that I was you". What a guy!!!!! Happy New Year everyone.