MAKING THE 0.580 INCH WHEEL SPACER I had an axle for a 03-04 GSXR1000 layin' around, so I used the sleeve nut thing (on the left)
to make a spacer.

First thing to do was put a bolt in the rotors to hold them onto the hub and center the wheel up.
I used a 1/4 inch (6mm) allen wrench to make sure each rotor was lined up with the fender mounts.

the GSXR bearing assembly (installed in the harley wheel) is slightly narrower because the bearing seats are deeper.
that gave me a small gap on the other bolt side.

which I later made up for by drilling out a fat washer with a 15/16 drill bit and filing the edges smooth.

then I marked the axle by adding some paint to the edge of a business card and sticking it in there.

using the depth stick on a caliper I measured from the bearing face to the mark I made.

transferred this measurement (
.580'') to the sleeve nut thingy and drew a circle around it with a pencil.

I like to cut it a bit longer than the pencil line so I can file it to size.
that way I can make sure it's .580'' all around.

finished product- filed to fit perfect in there (took an hour or so)
I filed it in the vise until it was flat then I laid the file on the table and pulled the spacer toward me until it was the right size. spinning it around and drawing on the edge with a marker to see what I was taking off.

It fit in there perfectly and the discs didn't need any spacers in this case. but depending on the rim you use you might.

not bad, I didn't have too much 'scooting of the axle' to do.