My dumb story:
When I moved to Massachusetts, I went to the RMV to get my out of state license transferred. Get home, realised they forgot to transfer my motorcycle endorsement over. Just the regular car license. Go back a week later, tell them they made a mistake. They took a note and told me they'd fax in a correction.
That was a bit over two years ago now. Needless to say, i still just have that car license. I wasn't exactly on the edge of my seat expecting this license correction to show up at my door so I haven't been going back to the RMV once a week to see how it's going either. I've been having a bit of a rough time for a while (nothing I want to talk about) so motorcycles haven't been my top priority. I think I called the RMV once about a year ago and told them the situation and they said I'd have to come in in person. I figured if I ever decided to get a bike I'd just have to get the learner's permit and take the license tests again.
Naturally I decided to get a bike. Also decided to take a shot at getting my license corrected. So I call up the RMV hotline end of last november. After an hour and a half on hold, I get through to someone, tell her my story and get laughed at. "Yes, it's kinda funny. Is there anything I can do." She says they'll have to pull my file but she'll send them a note. I'll get a call within a week.
Week goes by. No call. Not surprised, it's Thanksgiving week. Call again. About an hour on hold, I get forwarded to the customer service bureau and get their direct number. They'll have to pull my file. I'm to expect a call within two weeks.
That was start of December last year. No call. Not surprised, it's holiday season. Call again last Tuesday directly to the customer service bureau. 2 minutes on hold and someone picks up (and here I got all comfortable). Tell her my sad sad story. Who did I talk to? Don't know. No one's there, it's lunch hour. Someone will call me back tomorow. Ok, thanks.
No calls the next day. Not surprised, it's Wednesday. Call them the day after (ie today). Talk to the same person as Tuesday (I wrote down her name. I'm a sneaky bastard.) She actually goes and looks stuff up for me. Thank you, ma'am. Turns out, when I went to the RMV a week after they lost my M, they actually did fax in a report. There's a record of it happening. Problem is, it wasn't acted on. They were supposed to contact me or send me a bill for the extra license transfer charge and get it transferred over but it didn't happen. Oh well. Why? Couldn't say. Oh yeah and the licensing office says since it's been two years so you'll have to take the tests again. Can I speak to this office, please? Just a moment.
It's been two years, you'll have to take the tests again. Even though I don't have the motorcycle endorsement on my license because the RMV made two mistakes in one week and had I gotten it then I wouldn't have had to renew it since whether I rode a motorcycle or not so I'm not missing any fees and I'm not arguing about having to pay the new license issue fee? I wouldn't know anything about that, it's been two years, you'll have to take the test again. You may file a dispute with the registrar.
Call the registrar. Tell them I want to file a dispute and all of this shtuff I typed out above (minus the sarcasm and creative wording). If the licensing office says you have to take the tests again, then you have to take the tests again. Even though I don't have the motorcycle endorsement on my license because the RMV made two mistakes in one week and had I gotten it then I wouldn't have had to renew it since whether I rode a motorcycle or not so I'm not missing any fees and I'm not arguing about having to pay the new license issue fee? Yes.
So I'm thinking (which usually leads to trouble for me one way or another) that my next move is to call the customer service bureau again and ask WHY specifically I have to take the tests again after two years. If there's a specific regulation that says there's a statute of limitations on correcting the RMV's mistakes I'm all set but I get the feeling they're just blowing me off. I think I just really enjoy how excited everyone that works at the RMV call center sounds to be receiving a call. On the other hand, maybe I should just go take the permit test before they somehow lose my car endorsement and I'm left with just a Mass ID that lets me buy beer. Anyone have any relevant knowledge or experience?
As a disclaimer, when I make these calls, I'm polite. I don't start yelling at them since I'm sure they get plenty of that as is and it won't help my cause. I always feel really stupid about having been polite and I don't think them getting railed on by a-hole customers excuses how they're treating this thing but I'm polite.
EDIT: what's a statue of limitations?