A few months ago I was in a Walgreens store, flipping through a motorcycle magazine, and saw a really interesting article. Some guys were hopping up an '80s GSXR. It was a two part story, where the second part was going to be in the next month's issue, and they were going to compare their souped up '80s GSXR to a modern one. I was dying to see the results.
I didn't buy the magazine because I figured I'd just go to Walgreens and check out the results in the next months issue. Problem is, I couldn't find it for the life of me. I think Walgreens dumped that magazine. I can't remember the name of it either, and I'm not sure which month it was. And I'm still dying to see how their souped bike compared to the modern one.
Can any of you help me? Did any of you see it and remember the name of the magazine (and hopefully I can find the article online...)? Otherwise I'm going to have to try googling it the hard way....