Author Topic: Engine Freshen up  (Read 529 times)

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Offline MILO

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Engine Freshen up
« on: March 18, 2012, 03:14:06 AM »

My daily ride is an '83 Kawasaki GT550.

It's done infinite kilometers in it's life before I got it, and I've added to it a bit in the last 6 months.

It seeps oil from the base and head gasket, has a bolt putting further tension on the auto cam chain tensioner, but Ive started getting a bit of a tick from the top end, I'm thinking the cam chain is pretty stretched out about now haha.

So! I've got a gasket set, and will soon get a new cam chain.
I'll be pulling the engine out of the frame, as I want to clean up the paint work on it from the flat black spray can crap a previous owner did to it.

I'm wanting to spend as little as possible basically, but what sort of things should I do to it while it's apart?
I've doing gaskets and seals, cam chain, and re shimming the valve clearances, It doesn't smoke, so can I just leave the rings that are on it?

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Re: Engine Freshen up
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 03:37:12 AM »
It  would be god to know the compression before it is apart, it would help your decision.

Once it is apart it would make sense to measure the cylinders for out of round while each is bottomed out.

It's your call, but get an idea of whether it actually needs it before you empty your wallet is the way  I think.

While it'sapart A little valve grind putty and a borrowed valve compressor-  freshening up valves is a cheap thing to do if it needs it or not on those '83 models.
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