My daily ride is an '83 Kawasaki GT550.
It's done infinite kilometers in it's life before I got it, and I've added to it a bit in the last 6 months.
It seeps oil from the base and head gasket, has a bolt putting further tension on the auto cam chain tensioner, but Ive started getting a bit of a tick from the top end, I'm thinking the cam chain is pretty stretched out about now haha.
So! I've got a gasket set, and will soon get a new cam chain.
I'll be pulling the engine out of the frame, as I want to clean up the paint work on it from the flat black spray can crap a previous owner did to it.
I'm wanting to spend as little as possible basically, but what sort of things should I do to it while it's apart?
I've doing gaskets and seals, cam chain, and re shimming the valve clearances, It doesn't smoke, so can I just leave the rings that are on it?