When i posted I thought that if Buckykats test was negative he would be happy and so I made what i thought was childish humour about why I wouldnt go for a test.....IF I had read BobbyR's post FIRST then I would not have made any jokes about bums or fingerers.
I do not have any problems with gays, My son is Gay.
I have total admiration for those that go for tests.
I have total admiration for our Doctors and Nurses, my step brothers wife is a nurse and works all hours.
I have total lack of respect for a government that keeps all our hospitals in a state of dire financial crises and do not believe that a hospital should have to spend any of it's resources or time in "achieving targets" or indeed thinking where the next money is coming from.
Having spent Ten years living on the streets, mixing daily with prostitutes, drunks, down and outs, drug addicts, lesbians and gays,and every sorry soul that society has dumped on, neglected folk, mentally disabled folk,physically disabled folk, dejected folk, world weary folk, and the generally dispossessed, I think it possible that a "bigot" is the last thing I am.
My sense of humour was honed amongst the above folk, and granted it may not be everyones cup of tea, but please don't try and make out it was anything but an attempt at levity.