Glenn, this "problem dates from waaaay doesn't apply to a specific site or forum (the attempt to open a pic treats all sites/SOHC4 forums with the same degree of contempt). On ocasion, the topic opens with a click without me clicking, but any other pics that have been posted appear with the paper clip placeholder icon ad the name of the file.
I can right click and open the file in a new window, but that turns up a blank page - if I decide to save and open it with PSP5, or Irfanview, or ACDSee all I get is the error message - "Can't read File Header - unknown file type" I've got used to imagining what everyone else is looking at <G>
And I have the latest versions of all these Apps, including Firefox 1.5 (I tried IE6 to open a pic, but that just resulted in a message that the page could not be found, and to try moaning at my ISP, which I (and they) have got quite used to).
Don't worry about it mate, it's not anything you've doen to the site - this was happening well before the holidays!