G'Day Jerry, no mate, I've only ever been either "Terry in Australia" on this site from the Greenspun days, and "Terry" or "Terry in Australia" on every other motorcycle web site I'm a member of. I am of course the Kooler King, but that was never my ID.
I know you changed yours slightly, but obviously I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about guys who seem to do it to achieve some level of anonimity that they didn't previously enjoy, because they were quite well known here, and I would have thought, well liked.
I'm not going to "out" them, I know who they are now and while I might be a little sad that they've apparently chosen to hide behind a new identity, they might well be doing it for a reason that I'm not privy to, so I might be missing something, so I'll let it be.
If you ever do decide to go "covert" though Jerry, (due, no doubt to you turning states evidence on those mafia king pins you've been working for and the need to go into a witness relocation program) I'll expect you to at least PM me with a simple message like "MM" or something else I'll understand that won't blow your cover............

Terry, I'll keep annoying you with this ID till the end of time. I'll never change it 
I hope you do mate, you're a friend, and I enjoy your posts.