Author Topic: Help with motor bolt! ** 75 CB550F **  (Read 3692 times)

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Offline Zaipai

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Re: Help with motor bolt! ** 75 CB550F **
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2010, 07:37:21 PM »
do you have access to a welder?
Sadly no.. I don't .. I also don't have a dremel nor the money for one. So, I could try heating it up, however there are wires there I have to deal with first. As for the threads they are the least of my worries as the local True Value can get me a replacement (I already stopped by and asked).. I will let you all know how I make out with it. I probably wont get to it again until Friday night or Saturday..
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Offline Zaipai

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Re: Help with motor bolt! ** 75 CB550F ** (fixed) 1/14/10
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2010, 07:26:42 PM »
Success! Well tonight I got home and hit the end of that bolt with all I had, even mushroomed the end a bit (fixable) then it acured to me.. if I can stop the spacer from moving and twist the bolt maybe it would work. Well I took some vice-grips and locked them on the spacer with all I had, then got the breaker bar and a socket with as many points as I could find and pressed down on the bolt, well it spun so fast I almost hit the ground... I thought great the vice-grips must have slipped, I look up and the bolt was actually turning.. So I spun it around a few times and when it was really loose I pulled on it.. Nothing it would not budge.. So while the vice-grips where still on it, I turned it with the breaker bar and hit the other end with the sledge hammer, and she moved and moved and moved until its almost all the way out. Now it will come out completely I put it back and tomorrow after work I remove the motor from its frame cage!

Thanks for all the advice,
I think the 50/50 was the major catalyst..

.: Scott :.
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Offline BlindJoe

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Re: Help with motor bolt! ** 75 CB550F **
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2010, 12:45:02 AM »
Good to hear ;D

Offline sbparks

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Re: Help with motor bolt! ** 75 CB550F **
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2010, 05:56:07 AM »

 The 'Stuck Bolt' scenario is one that we all face from time to time while working on these bikes.

 My project has had several up to now.  It is amazing how focused on a single step in the process that we have to get to be successful.  But hey, if you can't get that bolt out/off whatever, the you won't go any further.

 My bike (CB750 K4) had a stuck oil filter bolt, a few sticky side engine cover bolts (with the nasty buggered #3 phillips heads) and the fork tubes had challenging seal retainers and seals.

 The reading/lessons I've learned here help so much to do these jobs right.

 My main solution is to use a soaking of 'liquid wrench' (or something similar).  After a while a little heat (propane is enough - Not too much).  Then I make sure I have the right tool.

 So far, each fastener has lost the battle.  Of course, I may have to get a new fastener.  The oil filter bolt was pricy, but, Oh well.

 Havin' fun!


Offline Zaipai

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Re: Help with motor bolt! ** 75 CB550F **
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2010, 10:57:09 AM »

 The 'Stuck Bolt' scenario is one that we all face from time to time while working on these bikes.

 My project has had several up to now.  It is amazing how focused on a single step in the process that we have to get to be successful.  But hey, if you can't get that bolt out/off whatever, the you won't go any further.

 My bike (CB750 K4) had a stuck oil filter bolt, a few sticky side engine cover bolts (with the nasty buggered #3 phillips heads) and the fork tubes had challenging seal retainers and seals.

 The reading/lessons I've learned here help so much to do these jobs right.

 My main solution is to use a soaking of 'liquid wrench' (or something similar).  After a while a little heat (propane is enough - Not too much).  Then I make sure I have the right tool.

 So far, each fastener has lost the battle.  Of course, I may have to get a new fastener.  The oil filter bolt was pricy, but, Oh well.

 Havin' fun!


You are so correct. It was the focus of all my work for almost a week, I mean it had to come out and it had to come out in good shape if it could be because I have already gone over budget on this project..

Still after all is said and done it was soaking it and waiting that got it out..

.: Scott :.
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