Author Topic: 18 months later, my CB350 is about to be on the road again.  (Read 1047 times)

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Offline Raul CB750K1

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18 months later, my CB350 is about to be on the road again.
« on: January 17, 2010, 03:50:53 AM »

18 months ago, 500 km after spending three years restoring my CB350, the engine broke. I could diagnose back then that it was the cam chain broken, didn't know whether a sideplate broken or out of place. Everything is in this thread

I have been quite busy with other projects these last months, therefore the CB350 got sidetracked. Last week I finally removed and opened the engine. Bryan Jones was so kind and helpful giving me tips about whether to use an open camchain with connection link or the original, endless chain. As I couldn't recover the old chain under the crankshaft, I finally tore the whole engine down and installed the endless chain.

This time it has been the original Honda chain. The one I used when I restored the engine was bought from Sirius Con Inc. Caveat Emptor, it is not their fault but the manufacturer's. I thought there wouldn't be much difference in quality but there was a difference in price. Since then I regret that decision.

I even have to feel lucky because the valves were closed and neither the valves nor the pistons were damaged. In one -long- day I was able to remove the engine, replace the camchain and rebuild the engine again. Hope to have time this or next week to put it back into the bike, reattach everything and have it running again.

So, if you want to learn from my mistake, buy OEM!

Offline hoodellyhoo

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Re: 18 months later, my CB350 is about to be on the road again.
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2010, 07:21:44 AM »
Glad to hear you got this bike fixed! I had an issue with a master cylinder rebuild kit form Sirius and ended up buying an oem kit to replace it.
1972 CB350F (Back from the Dead!)-
1965? S65 - Coming Eventually!
1972 CB750K2 (father-son project)
1976 CB750K6- (sold)
1976 CB750K6 (sold)-