Yeah, they didn't use anesthesia when they used the hand-drill (they used to call them brace and bit, right?) to get the pin out from my shin after I was done with traction. That was very strange and very, very painful, but it was over relatively quickly (maybe 60 seconds).
Now, when they put that pin in... HOLY COW!!!! That was a job for a demorol and valium shot. But that was mostly because of the pain of the broken pelvis (stellated, actually) being about 2000 times worse. Think black & blue balls for 3 weeks. Sure wish I had anesthesia for that hit. 30+ days in traction, 3 months in rehab, 6 months out of work. I still have issues with roundhouse kicks.
Girl I was dating came to visit a few times. Ain't nothing like sex in traction with a broken pelvis, either. That required careful female attention. Funny how I can have such fond memories of having a broken pelvis and being stuck in traction. Ah, I miss that girl.
funny though, i was wide awake for the giant screw coming out of my ankle. to me the numbing shots were worse