I got my new pistons in the mail today from Z1. In case you're on the fence about ordering from them, do it! I took the new pistons, the cylinders and the head over to the machine shop to have the cylinders bored 2 over, and I gave him the tolerances from Hondaman's book of 0.0008"-0.0010"/0.020-0.025mm. He thought I was crazy! He said that was way too tight, and that he'd recommend going 0.0025"-0.0030". So I called Z1 and spoke to their support, gave him the tolerances from the machine shop and told him that I had gotten tighter numbers from a book... when he cut me off and said "Oh, Mark Paris' book?" Ha! So I pulled out the shop manual to cross reference the tolerances, and the shop manual recommends 0.0004"-0.0016", way below the machine shop's recommendation and surrounding Mark's tolerances.
So the moral of the story: take everyone's advice with a grain of salt, and when in doubt: read the shop manual!