Rent a comealong, assuming you have something at the top of the stairs to tie to.
Take it a step at a time. Block off the rear wheel. It'll be out in no time.
Or a block and tackle affair. Key is to have plenty of hands but not for effort, just to steady and guide it. Let a machine do the work. those prices you could just buy one. Winch it up a step, block it off, reset, do again.
Depending on how long the cable is on the come along, you may only reset once or twice or not at all. Just take it slow. You could screw some big eye bolts into the wall or ceiling at the top of the stairs, or if its a straight run to the outside, tie it off to a post or a car bumper. Put some wood down for the cable to drag on.
Riding it up could go wrong in oh so many ways.