This is my thoughts on how I'm going to proceed on this build and, as you can tell, I don't have all of the details ironed out yet. I don't thonk this is quite ready for the Projects Forums (and I'm not sure it belongs there anyway, since it isn't a SOHC4. SOHC- yes 4- no.

I'm have been tempted to put a disc brake on the front of this bike (with a different set of fork, but I just don't think it would do the bike justice, you know? I'm wanting the look of a Vintage Super Hawk, with some subtle modifications that won't distract too much from " the period" look, if you know what I mean? Soon, I will have my extra bedroom set up for building the engine and, as I am thinking about it, I think I am going to move ALL of my Supper Hawk Parts in there and try to do more on the mockup, to get it closer to what I want to do with this bike. And, I WILL work on getting pictures to document the changes I am going to make. Now, there WILL be a few changes that I am not going to reveal until the time is right. Got to have SOME surprises, right?

I will be using the original frame, wheels (far as I know now), forks (far as I know now), NO side covers (for air cleaners), custom aircleaners (probably pods (or a resemble facsimile), Honda CB350 Headlight shell, 350 Gauges (combi nation of early 450 gauge mount and the 350 mount combined), Stock Super Hawk Fenders (I actually got an uncut front fender, remember?), Super Hawk gas tank (with side panels and rubber knee pads), stock exhaust pipes (think I'd like to do CL exhaust pipes w/ the megs) (Oh, yes I have a set of the old CL exhaust pipes that are rotted toward the ends, so cutting them off would not be the wrong thing to do) , Thinking about megaphones for mufflers, 450 Carbs adapted, maybe a 5sp trans (Yeah Steve, I wish I could afford to get a 450pDOHC top end adapted to it, but funds make it impossible), hydraulic steering damper from a CL77 (still have to make or acquire mounts for that), Still not positive on the the actual paint scheme and final choice of colors. I Do have a few ideas, just have to narrow them down. Oh and I have a custom seat that was actually for the CB750 SOHC, but will do nicely on my Super Hawk. Still want to hide electrics and battery as much as possible and the seat doesn't have a place for that either. Now I Do have an unfinished custom fiberglass seat shell (with no pad yet) that I got from a SOHC4 member a couple of years back, that I could work up AND put the electrics under the rear of it. We'll just have to see how things turn out. 8-
As a reminder, here is what I started with: (Pretty Sad Looking)
Now, here's a shot of the Mockup as it sits now ( it's not the best and KI had another one that was better,but don't know how I lost it) AND some Inspirational shots
as well (and , at this point, I'd like to say that ANY photos that ANYONE might have or know of, will be more than welcome. None of my plans are set in concrete, except that the bike I'm starting with is a Super Hawk!

Then this shows a Super Hawk with the 450 carbs installed, like I plan to do

Inspirations for this build, that I have found (feel free to add some that You All might have or know of)

That's it for now, Updates, more info and photos, as I can get them, Bill