This world I know from hiring people before for two businesses that I have owned. One a landscaping business which I sold, and a "special"

club which I also sold.
I am on business number 4. Number 3 is Concept Photography.
Now I am parting bikes (Anubis Cycle). I posted an add on It is amazing the stuff that is coming out of the woodwork. I can tell there are not too many keepers for empolyment. Many run thier mouth too much. Many have way too much prim attitude. I guess all business hiring is the same.
Guy one decided to be slacked for two weeks before he would start.

Guy two who ate up 30 mintues of my cell time boasted about how great he was on eBay sell (lazy fix) bikes and junk.
Guy three was a guy I would problably sock in the face, no details needed - it was just bad.
It appears that these guys just want someone to load up the ole' wheel barrow of monney and dump it in thier lap without doing anything.

I am not a slave driver to work for. For work times I want tangible work done, for slack time it is the same. Trust me I like my down time too. When I ran the landscaping Concept Lawn Services, we ran like slaves (me included) until long after the sun went down. However I would pay guys for the TIME over lunch and many times pay for lunch itself. If they worked long I did the same for dinner. I expect a honest days work from my people, I expect WAY MORE from me. I always out work my employees, always have. I remember times that I was cutting grass at 11:30 pm on a commercial lot by myself (they never complain about noise).
I was also the fool that would give good employees pay adavances to make things right when they did a financial boo boo.
Hiring people sucks....... At least fo physical labor
The "Special-Club" Employees were much more fun to hire if you know what I mean