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Total Members Voted: 92
Voting closed: February 01, 2010, 12:16:41 PM
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Sweet, bubbly, Buddha - Say it ain't so!!!
"Live to build, build to enter BOTM"Hey... thats' my code, that's my creed...
Sorry Bill looks like I got that wrong, but many are listed as LC650's here in NZ, after some investigation I find they are correctly listed as a CB650RC.Strangely enough they only have a listed top speed of 105 mph whereas Kits' model boasts 115 mph? My old 79 is listed as 107 mph. http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/honda_cb_650_rc_1982.php
ooooh that's a sexy ride, too. I love the tank. Is that brushed steel or ...?