So the fix has begun... slowly of course.
I just started taking the small damaged parts off one at a time. Clip-ons, master c, headlight, headlight brackets, foot pegs, clutch cable off, fender off, etc, those kind of things. I also started a list of things I will need to buy. My friend and co-worker helped me remove the tank. He actually was the one who yanked the fender off too, I just undid the screws. No one needs to worry about it being to much 90% of the work I did while sitting comfortably in my rolley chair. I skimmed around the bike on it careful to not strain on anything too tight for me to safely pull loose. The dirt on my hands felt awesome, the first real steps for my recovery process IMO. The smile on my face was unmistakeably energetic. I will post pics of the process again like always there probably won't be too many exciting ones for a while since it may be a month before I can be mobile enough to tackle the tank fix/mod.
The "opinion" question of the day...
"Should I wrap the exhaust?"