Between yesterday and today I knocked most of the items off the list. I decided not to detail it yet in case it didn't start. Hooked up the battery and put gas in it this morning. Turned it over for a couple of 10 second bursts with the kill switch off to get a little oil moving and then tried to start it. A couple of seconds and it fired. A couple more tries and it stayed running but wasn't running good. Shut it down and checked the pipes. #1 & 2 were hot, #3 & 4 were cold. Hmmm. Can't be ignition or it would be #1 & 4 or #2 & 3. Checked the fuel lines first and sure enough, the #3/4 fuel line was kinked. Corrected that and she started right up. Ran smooth at idle without the choke after about a minute. Sweet! I didn't do anything to the carbs, except draing the gas, when I took them off last fall so I was hoping they would still be good. Seems to be.
Checked everything else over and the only other thing that wasn't working was the taillight. Decided to check the easy thing first, the bulb, and that was it. I'm not bragging (OK so I am a little) but after the work that was done and the things that could go wrong it was a pretty easy startup. Took her out for a ride and it ran great. The no number pipes sound great too. Runs better and sounds better than the K0 does. And it's true what they say, the red ones are faster!
So it's done (for now). There's three things I still need to do which may wait until fall or winter. Soda blast the carbs, replace the oil lines, and polish (brush) the rear hub and brake panel. I'll probably sync the carbs, other than that she's pretty dang good. It's fun just to be able to ride it. Oh yea, and here's some pics.
And here's a couple of shots of the sisters. I think the K0 (blue/green) was a little jealous of the sandy so I took her for a ride too.