Author Topic: Quick "Bench Sync" question  (Read 5781 times)

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Re: Quick "Bench Sync" question
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2005, 08:05:01 PM »
I have a thought about carbs on these 4 cylinder hondas. First off, Why do we need a carb for each cylinder?Seeing that the carb just sits there most of the time[works on the intake stroke only] ,seems that we could due without two of the carbs. Maybe a little less power ,so what, put in a bigger engine. If you want power,go for a supercharger!  I have been thinking,somewhere I have seen a two cylinder engine with two carbs that had a small bypass between the cylinders on the engine side. Seems that would cure some of the sync problems [If the carbs were set up evenly on the bench].  What do you think of this one?

Offline pmpski_1

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Re: Quick "Bench Sync" question
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2005, 10:23:21 PM »
Beast   I: 1974 CB550K
Beast IV: 1976 Chevy Blazer
Beast  V: 2003 Buell XB9S


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Re: Quick "Bench Sync" question
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2005, 05:51:52 AM »
I went into the site and what a blast!  This begs the question why didn't Honda think of this? To bad they don't make them for 500 fours. I am not into racing, just some way to cut down on the complication. I have thought of making my own conversion ,but I do not have that kind of time,getting old and tired. It seems to me that done right,this would give just as much power or more. Like I said ,if you want a lot of power go supercharger! There are other ways to get more power out of an engine,one being a chamber in the intake.Look at most of the new autos that are being made and notice the rather long intake setup[cuts down on spitback thus more fuel /air into the engine]. Tuned exhaust headers give a boost but only at a certain rpm where it is the best boost. What do you think of the bypass idea?  Don't some motorcycles have that setup? A penny for your thoughts out there. Come to think of it,if one wants REAL getup and go why not go for jato power[jet assisted takeoff] ,works on airplanes!  Maybe it has already been tried. Now that would give you real take-off like a shotgun performance! Good to get rid of tail gaters to!

Offline hymodyne

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Re: Quick "Bench Sync" question
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2005, 07:54:11 AM »
I bench synced after a carb rebuild, using a 1/8 drill bit and adjusting the level using one of the slotted threaded rods pictured in one of the earlier posts. the bike started right up.

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